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Loft Ladders Scotland

Loft Insulation

Did you know that approximately 25% of the heat in your home is lost through your roof? Loft insulation, expertly-fitted by our specialists at Loft Ladders Scotland could save up to £240 a year* on your heating bill!

Loft Insulation

Loft Ladders Scotland use only high-quality fiberglass wool loft insulation at the Government's recommended depth of 270mm to maximise your potential savings. The 270mm comprises of a 100mm base layer and a 170mm top layer. Oh, and there's none of the horrible itchyness caused by the old rockwool type of loft insulation.

Take the strain off your poor old boiler today. Get a free estimate

*Energy Saving Trust figures.

270mm: £34 per sq. m
100 mm base layer £16 / sq. m
170mm top layer £18 / sq. m
Total: £34 / sq. m
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